We're Having A Notions Sale!
Thursday, November 18 through Saturday, November 20 enjoy 20% off all our Bags, T-Shirts, Cases, Buttons, Creekwater Alpaca Socks, Shawl Pins, Gita Maria accessories, and of course Notions!
Recent arrivals, that are included in the sale, are our Knit Happy notions cases, our new selection of handmade row counter bracelets and the Sig'nits beads.
All our fantastic bags are on sale - Offhand Designs, Jordana Paige, Daisy Muir, Atenti, Nantucket (we now have lilac), Ukush and an assortment of beautiful baskets made in Ghana. The Frabjous Fibers notion and needle cases, Nancy's Knit Knacks notion cases and Fiber Spheres are also on sale.
Also, don't forget that our November Yarn of the Month is any yarn from Great Adirondack Yarn Company and they are 15% off all month long!
This sale does not include yarn, books, magazines, patterns, or hooks and needles.