Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nancy's Knit Knacks Heavy Duty Swift/Skein Winder & Ball Winder

We've had the Nancy's Knit Knacks Heavy Duty Ball Winder in the shop for quite awhile now and we all love it. For me personally, I have a small plastic ball winder at home and sometimes (ok, most of the time) prefer to wind my yarn at the shop instead of at home because I love the ball winder that much. It makes such beautiful cakes of yarn and flows so smoothly.

We now have it's partner in crime, the Nancy's Knit Knacks Swift/Skein Winder with yardage counter. This fancy gadget pulls double duty because not only can it be used to make a skein into a ball but it can be used to make a ball into a skein.

I used a left over ball of Malabrigo Worsted to demonstrate how to use the skein winder/swift and ball winder in the following two videos.

This video demonstrates how to make a ball into a skein:

At the end the counter had clicked 48 times and my swift posts were set at the two yard markers which gave me a total of 96 yards.

This video demonstrates how to use the swift and ball winder to create a center pull ball.

I love this pair of fantastic tools! As a spinner I love that I'm able to accurately calculate the yardage of one of my hand spun yarns by winding it into a skein right off the bobbin, then wind it into a center pull ball and get to knitting quickly.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Thank you so much for posting these videos and your positive review. I have been considering getting these...I am really drooling now. The price is kind of high but I would rather get a quality piece of equipment than to fight with something that won't work right. You have made up my mind when I can save the money, these two partners in crime will be added to my studio :)