It seemed like such a good idea at the time..and even better now! People would bring us their unwanted yarn and we'd give them store credit at $1/pound, then use it for charity knitting projects. We had 2 at the old shop (fall of '08) and one last September for a grand total of (um) 890 pounds of re-purposed yarn. To put that into perspective, most skeins are about 4 ounces (about 3560 skeins) or, from another view, it's within spittin' distance of a half-ton! We're still happy to have your excess yarn and hotel samples (shampoo, etc.).
The first 525 pounds went to law students in Grundy who learned to knit and crochet, making blankets, hats and more for CASA children. Last fall we began a charity knitting group at the Abingdon Senior Center on Tuesday mornings. Big ol' Southern breakfast (FREE!) at 9am, then knitting from 10-12. Fast forward to earlier this month when several knitters and I turned over hats for all ages, scarves, afghans, and baby blankets to agency heads for distribution.
For details, see this story and plan to join us soon. http://www.gotricities.com/article.php?id=7008 Thanks for all your help....we can't do it without you!
For details, see this story and plan to join us soon. http://www.gotricities.com/article.php?id=7008 Thanks for all your help....we can't do it without you!
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