Monday, May 27, 2013

WWKIP Week Contest

It's that time of year again when the sun is shining and begging you to come out and play. But what's a knitter to do?? We've been in our recliners knitting away in the shadows of our yarn filled dens; Dare we venture out to play in the sun?

We've got the perfect solution to transition you to the outside world!

June 8th-16th is the World Wide Knit In Public Celebration.

We want to encourage you to get out there and knit!

Between these dates, (6/8 & 6/16) we would love to see photos of you knitting in public. These don't have to be fancy set up photo shoots; just a simple snap shot will do!

What we would like is a photo of you knitting in a public place (library, restaurant, grocery store, gas station, Anywhere!) along with a little information - Where you're knitting, what you're knitting, and maybe what yarn you're using.


Photo of Cassie knitting at the Abingdon Farmer's Market during the 2009 WWKIP Celebration.

So what's in it for you? Well, other than the joy of knitting in public, your name will be put in our fishbowl for a chance to win a lovely prize package from us that includes an A Likely Yarn tee shirt, a Chica tote bag, and a one time use 15% off your entire purchase coupon. How cool is that?!?

Now for the rules: Photos may be submitted between 6/8 and 6/16 at midnight est. Please use photos taken during the WWKIP dates and not previously taken photos. Each person's name will be entered only once though we do encourage you to send multiple photos. Winner's name will be drawn on Tuesday 6/18. Please email your photos to We love Facebook submissions so please post on our wall.  You may also submit by posting to our Ravelry fourm. If you would like to drop off a photo at the shop, be sure to leave contact information so we can contact you if you're the winner. Also, if you would like to be contacted by a means other than email, please send that information along with your photo. Please note, we plan to post your photo(s) to our blog and facebook and by sending us the photo we are assuming that you are giving us permission to do so. 

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