For information regarding Yarn Camp please click
Please click
"Register” on our main website or click
here for the direct link.
1. Download and print the
form. We suggest saving the file from the Google Docs page and opening in Microsoft Word to get the correct format.
To download the form: Click the registration
link. Click "File" at the top left. Click "Download" at the bottom of the drop down list or hit Ctrl+S. You may either download the file to your computer or open it with Microsoft Word when the download box pops up. Should you have any trouble downloading the form, please email or call the shop and we will gladly email the file to you. 276-628-2143
2. Please fill in your information on the right side of the downloaded form to send to us. Keep the left side, or the information side, of the form for your records.
Groups: Please fill out camper info for
every member of your group.
3. Please mail completed form(s) and required payment(s) to:
A Likely Yarn
213 Pecan St.
Abingdon, VA 24210
Please make checks payable to
A Likely Yarn (this has changed from previous camps).
Paid registration guarantees a spot. We will not hold unpaid spots. If payment is not received with the registration form, we will place your name on a waiting list until payment is received.
All payments must be received by May 10th.
No refunds will be given after May 12th.
Please give us a call if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way. 276-628-2143
We look forward to seeing you in May!