Friday, June 10, 2011

Yarn Price Increases

Please be aware that due to inflation of gas prices, shipping cost, fiber prices, and production costs, many yarn companies are raising their prices as of June 1. We are seeing price increases from 10-30% depending on the fiber content.

The most notable of prices increases are yarns containing silk and cashmere. Cotton prices have raised as well. Wool prices have increased with superwash wools having a higher percentage increase.

Our largest line is Plymouth Encore which will be raising from $5.50 to $6.00 and $6.00 to $6.50 for Colorspun.

Also, some companies are reducing the amount of yardage of a skein to combat the increase in prices.

We currently have lots of stock available at the older prices but as new stock comes in these prices will be increasing. On a positive note, Skacel lowered the prices on some of their yarns to offset the increase on others.

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